Hi there!
I’ll be completely honest with you… I’m crap at writing “about me” sections. For a guy who can quite happily chew your ear off about any subject under the sun, talking specifically about myself just seems a little weird and what I would call “Up one’s own arse-ish” But I’ll do my best!
So, if you’ve clicked on this, either you are curious about how and why of the guy who blabbers on about pretty beaches all day… or you’ve somehow ended up here while aimlessly meandering across the world wide web at 3 am. In either case, I welcome you with open arms.
Right. Let me introduce myself, my name is Josh. I’m 19 years old and currently live in South Manchester with my parents and sister. I have a passion for the coast and what some may call an “unhealthy obsession” with surfing. My dad took me out surfing for the first time when I was 8 years old, and almost since day one, I’ve been hooked on the sport! We would go on family holidays to Cornwall every year since I was a toddler, and for as long as I can remember, I wanted to find a way to surf every day.
As time went on, I realized that you need money to do things, and to get money you need a job, and a job to me at that time was to sit in a cramped office, or working on some construction site, wasting my days away. Needless to say, this didn’t sit right with me at all. So when I was around 14, and sat in an English lesson, bored out of my mind, I decided that I would find a way to travel to my favourite holiday places whenever I want, and to be able to surf whenever I wanted. Complete freedom was the aim of the game! Problem was, I had no clue if and how that would be possible.
Skip a few years, and I was working for a joinery firm in a town a few miles away. After working for quite some time, I found that getting up first thing in the morning and doing intense physical labour in the pissing rain and freezing wind, while my dickhead of a boss was screaming down my ear for 8 hours wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. So I left with the intention of finding a way to do what I have always wanted to do…
Luckily, my Dad runs a successful blog, he writes about all things coffee and suggested that I should try to make one for myself. He explained that I could potentially use it as a way to live remotely and work for myself, so naturally, I agreed. He showed me the ropes and gave me the know-how to start my own website, the one you are reading from now!
So, from the fear of wasting my life and the desire to surf and travel the country, goingcoastal.co.uk was born!
On this site, I write about Travel, surfing, and coastal destinations around the United Kingdom, as well as other things like product reviews and eventually, a travel diary. I aim to bring to light some of the lesser-known areas of our fantastic little islands, and show the outside world that the UK is more than just London!
So, if all goes well, in the near future I will be converting a van into a camper, and I will travel the UK, visiting as many coastal destinations, surf spots, and other incredible areas of our land, and I will be documenting every minute of it with the Blog!
So that’s it. That’s what I plan to do. If it sounds like something you’d be interested in, feel free to tune in every now and then to see what I’m writing about or where I am.
If not, Then I wish you well.
I’ll shut up now, cheers for reading!